Welcome to:
Lamonica Reese coaching & consulting.

Our Mission is your SUCCESS! The Transformation Coaching and Consulting is strategically tailored for you and your growth!


We help small business owners and professionals grow successful in a short time.

Our Coaching and Consulting helps small business owner succeed in starting businesses and put them in a position to continue their growth. Not everyone can afford high-quality one-on-one coaching, so our online training can help those starting from scratch or those wishing to build multi-million dollar profiting businesses. We have a solution for you and your business!

What we do

Coaching Services

Business Coaching

Business coaching is more than teaching you how to start a company. We can help you strategically plan for your growth beyond your startup!

Health Coaching

Health Coaching is more than teaching you how to lose those unwanted pounds! "Health is your Wealth," so we focus on teaching you hold-life wellness living.

Life Coaching

We help you unlock and unleash your full human potential in our Life Coaching programs. You will eliminate your limiting beliefs and we help guide you on the path to tremendous success!

Business Coaching

Business coaching is more than teaching you how to start a company. We can help you strategically plan for your growth beyond your startup!

Health Coaching

Health Coaching is more than teaching you how to lose those unwanted pounds! "Health is your Wealth," so we focus on teaching you hold-life wellness living.

Life Coaching

We help you unlock and unleash your full human potential in our Life Coaching programs. You will eliminate your limiting beliefs and we help guide you on the path to tremendous success!

Productivity Improvement Coaching

The top-performing business owners and professional athletes now or at one time or another hired a productivity improvement coach to gain a competitive edge. It's your time to gain greatness!

Relationship Coaching

Better relationships help our clients build a better business, career, life and increase a healthy lifestyle. Our coaching is designed for full-life growth and change.

Success Coaching

Success Coaching is designed to help you live your best life. Your success is our #1 Mission. Our 90-Day Business, Career, Health, Life, Relationship, and Wealth Building Transformational Coaching is built solely for your continuous growth, happiness, and success!

Wealth Building coaching

To build wealth, you must first develop your mindset and think like rich people. We will provide you tools to help you make money and keep it. You must reject the get-rich slow make set that might have been passed down from your parents, your friends are wrong, and your teacher is most definitely wrong. Reject mediocracy, and let us put you on the fast track to building wealth with coaching, resources, tools, and other business opportunities.

Business and Personal Credit Repair

Credit repair training, sorted outrightly, involves different strategies and methods to improve or restore a poor business and personal credit score.
The training on this website encompasses several facets – settling unpaid debts, rectifying errors on credit reports, adhering strictly to good financial habits,

and understanding the dynamics of credit score computation. Given the inherent complexity of these strategies, it becomes increasingly obvious that credit repair training is beneficial and essential for a financially healthy relationship and life. The training entails lessons on financial management, budgeting, understanding credit reports, the importance of timely bill payments, starting a budget to ensure you don’t need to repair your credit in the future, and understanding the implication of loan defaults and bankruptcy.

In its primitive essence, our credit repair training essentially involves a comprehensive and systematic process of teaching you how to manage your financial affairs and improve your creditworthiness to build wealth. We will help you to build your creditworthiness on a steady rise and free from errors.

strategic planning - Sales & marketing Coaching

Lamonica Reese Consulting - We help you Jump-start your growth with Strategic Planning & Top-knotch Marketing Coaching Strategies!

Our Powerful Service of Consulting and Training is the praise from our clients. We raise our client's growth strategy consciousness about the power on core values, mission critical compliance, system processes, high standard, and a high commitment to excellence.

How we helped?

How can we help you overcome challenges, change your life circumstance or start your success journey?

We help business owners grow successful companies to stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

We help our clients to live a happy life! And, coach them to greater success in business, career, health, life, relationships, and wealth building.

I know we can help you!